The New Jesus Fish movement is not only about bridging the gap between generations in Christ, but also about breaking barriers and stigmas that may have kept us previously intimidated and away from Positivity and Love. We've taken designer quality material and embodied it with our New Jesus Fish Logo. Our lead designer focuses on every day apparel that is both streetwear and Church appropriate. As a brand we feel that the most important thing we could bring to the market was designer quality clothing that is easily accessible. 

Love’s Perfect Gift LLC. and “The New Jesus Fish"
Love’s - The first part of our logo which is the mouth of the fish, is in the shape of a heart. To us that represents the unparalleled love that God has for us. Afterall God is Love….Right!
Perfect - The body of the New Jesus Fish is the number 7. In the Bible the number 7 represents perfection & completion.
Gift - The tail of the fish is the cross, & that represents the gift that Jesus gave to us when he died for our sins.